Code of Conduct
Offer support and advice where you can
Be respectful of others, including non-members
Do not harass others
Do not share personal information of others to people outside the community
All content must be "safe for work"
Don’t DM anyone without permission
Don't spam the channels with links, or links to pages, for the purpose of monetization of user views and which provide no value to the community
This is a safe space, let's keep it that way.
Our goal is to maintain a safe and supportive community for everyone to share experiences and support each other. We encourage particpation from diverse backgrounds and experiences: this variety and spectrum of views helps us to think disruptively and creatively about how to further People Management as a profession.
This community welcomes everyone regardless of experience, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicicty, age, religion, nationality or other defining characteristic.
This code of conduct applies to behaviour occuring in all Disruptive People community venues online and in person as well as in all one-to-one communications and anywhere such behaviour has the potential to adversely affect the safety and well being of community members.
Expected Behavior
Committed to creating positive change in the world of people and talent management, Disruptive People aims to elevate the standard of people management at all levels and raise the profile of people management as a profession. This community aims to support and further these aims for all members.
Be welcoming.
Be kind.
Look out for each other
Support those in need of advice or mentorship
Unacceptable Behavior
Conduct or speech which might be considered sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory or offensive in nature.
Do not use unwelcome, suggestive, derogatory or inappropriate nicknames or terms.
Do not show disrespect towards others. (Jokes, innuendo, dismissive attitudes.)
Intimidation or harassment (online or in-person).
Disrespect towards differences of opinion.
Violence, threats of violence or violent language.
Unrequested selling or pitching behaviour, spamming or promotion of products or services without permission of the admins
Unsolicited attempts to recruit or headhunt community members either through channels or direct messages
Unsolicited private messages:
While the community aims to be a place for members of the community to meet and connect, it's also important to respect each other's privacy. If you feel as though a service you provide or business you run may be of use to another member, please respect their privacy and first ask publicly if you may contact them about such discussions before sending unsolicited messages.
Understand that speech and actions have consequences, and unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated.
If you are the subject of, or witness to any violations of this Code of Conduct, please contact us via email at
If violations occur, organizers will take any action they deem appropriate for the infraction, up to and including expulsion.